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Schedule of Election Procedures

Proposed Schedule of Election Procedures for Four Board Members - Short Procedures (without Appeal against Candidates)
1The date of publication of the announcement of the opening of candidacy for the elections of the Board of Directors, the election mechanism and the announcement of the conditions that must be met in the candidates.12/12/2019 
2Reminder of open the nomination door.21/12/2019 
3Date of the first day of receipt of nomination documents.22/12/2019 
4The last day of receipt of nomination documents.5/1/2020End of working hours on Sunday 5/1/2020
5Date of review of applications and examination of the list of candidates by the Nominating Committee.12-14/1/2020 
6The date of submitting the approved and excluded lists to Qatar Financial  Authority Markets.15/1/2020In the absence of a response from QFAM within 3 days, it shall be considered tacit approval to confirm the decision of the Nominations Committee regarding the excluded candidates, if any
7Appeal to the Qatar Financial Authority Markets  by candidates against decisions of the Nominations Committee.16/1/2020 
8Prepare the list of candidates after identifying the position of Qatar Financial Authority Markets regarding the grievances submitted, if any.22/1/2020 
9The date of the Board of Directors meeting to approve the final list of candidates.29/1/2020 
10Notify the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Qatar Financial Authority Markets, Qatar Exchange and the Central Depository Authority of the final approved list of candidates30/01/2020The period between the date of notification of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the approval of the the final list of candidates and the date of the General Assembly shall not be less than 15 days
11Date of the General Assembly (original)18/3/2020 
12Alternate date of the general assembly. 31/3/2020 
