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LPG RegulatorLPG Regulatorhttps://www.woqod.com/EN/Gas/Pages/LPG-Regulator.aspx<img alt="" src="/EN/Gas/PublishingImages/Pages/LPG-Regulator/Low%20pressure%20regulator.png?RenditionID=5" width="538" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />Low Pressure Regulator <img alt="" src="/EN/Gas/PublishingImages/Pages/LPG-Regulator/Mid%20pressure.png?RenditionID=5" width="538" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />Mid Pressure Regulator <img alt="" src="/EN/Gas/PublishingImages/Pages/LPG-Regulator/High%20pressure.png?RenditionID=5" width="538" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />High Pressure Regulator <p>WOQOD provides its consumers with one of the most advanced and safest LPG regulators worldwide, accredited by the Qatari Public Authority for Standardization and Metrology (QPASM). WOQOD’s LPG regulators are distinguished with their high standard safety features, where the regulator cannot be detached unintentionally from the cylinder, and it does not allow for gas to exit except when it is connected to the cylinder in a correct manner. Additionally, this regulator locks the gas flow once a leakage is detected in the connections or in the case of elevated gas pressure inside the oven. A special valve is installed to release the extra pressure. </p><p>WOQOD’s gas regulator is also distinguished with its ease of installation, where it suffices to plug it into the gas outlet of the cylinders, directly, and without the need for any specific equipment or tools or the help of a professional worker. It is worth noting that WOQOD provides tow tears <br>of LPG regulators; a low-pressure regulator for domestic use and a medium pressure regulator for commercial and industrial use. </p>A new generation of butane cylinder regulators for more safety and comfort02/06/2016 11:00:00 AM9
LPG TankLPG Tankhttps://www.woqod.com/EN/Gas/Pages/LPG-Tank.aspx<img alt="" src="/EN/Gas/PublishingImages/Pages/LPG-Tank/Untitled-4.jpg?RenditionID=5" width="486" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />Safer outdoor tank Longer consumption period between refills <p>WOQOD supplies large consumers of LPG in the commercial and industrial sector with bulk LPG, to better meet their demands in a more convenient and safe way and at a lower cost. The bulk LPG supply system includes an external tank that is installed at a safe location outside the customer’s facility, by a specialized professional team, who also then connects the tank to the facility through a safe pipeline. WOQOD’s gas tankers regularly deliver bulk LPG to these tanks. </p><p>WOQOD’s LPG bulk tanks are equipped by an automated reading system that remotely monitors the levels of gas in the tank, and text WOQOD’s specialized data center, in order to maintain that the LPG supply arrives promptly to the tank, at all times, while saving you the effort of ordering it.</p>Longer consumption period between refills02/06/2016 12:00:00 PM10

