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WOQOD Takes Security and Safety Seriously
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Qatar Fuel Company (WOQOD) is a firm that has to worry about safety and security measures; perhaps more than most. So it is quite natural that it has put up a stand at the Civil Defence Exhibition being held at the Qatar International Exhibition Center (QIEC). According to WOQOD Retail and Marketing Manager, Mark Vidler: “We distribute all gas and fuels in the Country so we work closely with Civil Defence. The Civil Defence trains our pump-attendants on how to put fires out.”

The Civil Defence Department also has inputs on how fuel tankers are designed. “They offer us tactical advice,” said Vidler. The Civil Defence works closely with WOQOD and is highly knowledgeable about the fuels being ferried around the Country by WOQOD.

The Official praised the Department as “excellent” and easy to work with. Though WOQOD has its own fire-fighters, the Civil Defence is always briefed on any mishaps that take place, although thankfully, no major accidents have happened, said Vidler. “For any accident, our people are there 24/7 and we will also call the Civil Defence.”

Nasser Fakhroo, WOQOD’s Director of Operations said: “In the last decade, Qatar has witnessed unparalleled growth in the oil and gas sector demanding extremely high levels of security and safety solutions... WOQOD believes safety and security has become a pertinent factor considered by consumers before they make their choice of purchase or investment. The Civil Defence Exhibition would be an excellent opportunity for WOQOD to underline the emphasis we place on safety and security.”

WOQOD will be explaining to the public at the Exhibition its policies for safety, security and the environment. The Company deeply values its relationship with the Civil Defence from whom it receives support in staff training for fire-fighting and technical assistance in related matters.

“The Department of Civil Defence is a real positive and professional contributor to WOQOD and we are delighted to have the opportunity to support their Exhibition,” Fakhroo stated. “Looking forward as WOQOD develops and grows, we will further develop our relationship with this exceptionally well-managed government department.”

The Peninsula

