The year 2017 marks the publication of WOQOD’s fifth annual
sustainability report. As the reporting landscape and expectations of our
stakeholders have developed so too has our methodology and progress. Highlights
for the 2017 report include:
- WOQOD Recycles 90% of the water
used in the automatic car wash at all petrol station”
- WOQOD has been able to reduce its
Lost time injury (LTI) by 20% in 2017
- WOQOD has achieved 17%
Qatarization in 2017
- As of 2017 72% of WOQOD’s
suppliers are based locally
- WOQOD has reduced its indirect GHG
by 22%
- Increased number of female
employees by 2%
- WOQOD has achieved positive growth
in revenue of 19% for the year 2017
- Awareness programs conducted in
2017 relating to public safety whilst driving in hazardous weather, especially
fog and rain
To view the report follow the link Sustainability Report2017
This report and its
contents have been developed by WOQOD’s QHSSE department and adheres to the Global
Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, G4 guidelines. Any questions by our
stakeholders are welcomed and can be directed to Ghanim Al-Kawari: