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Sustainability Report -2021
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It is with pleasure that we issue WOQOD's Sustainability Report 2021 which represents the 9th edition since we started reporting in 2013.

It has been prepared in line with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) – G4 Guidelines along
with Oil & Gas supplements. In determining the scope of this Report, we considered the
level of business activities and specific sustainability concerns for the entities under
WOQOD. Considering the views of the stakeholders, WOQOD's overall business risks,
relevant sustainability trends together with industry best practices, we identified the material factors that are of most concern to our business and stakeholders.

Highlighting Sustainability Report 2021

  • WOQOD's revenue for 2021 was QAR 19.5 billion 47% increase year-on-year. The consolidated net profit for the year 2021 amounted to QAR 974 MM, a 38 % increase on the previous year due to increased sales volume and improved market conditions


  • In 2021, 84.31% of our total procurement spending was awarded to locally based contractors and suppliers, a 3.52 % increase compared to 2020.


  • WOQOD signed MoU with Siraj Energy build and operate Photovoltaic (PV) system in two petrol stations with electric charging units for light vehicles and plan add another more Solarized petrol stations in coming years. WOQOD signed MoU with Kahramaa for the installation and operation of electric charging units in petrol stations.


  • WOQOD safety performance has continuously improved to achieve lower LTI and TRC frequency rates. We achieved LTIF - 2021 target i.e. 0.353 against the Target of 0.370 and Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) target is 0.899 but actual is 0.931.


We invite you to find out more in our Sustainability Report-2020. If you have questions or comments, we invite you to share them with us at sustainability@woqod.com.qa       

To view the full Sustainability Report 2020 kindly click here 


