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Qatar Fuel WOQOD Conducts Workshop On Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
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Doha, 15/12/2014 - WOQOD held a one day CNG workshop on Monday 15th December 2014 at LA CIGALE hotel in Doha.

Commenting on this event, WOQOD’s CEO Engineer. Ibrahim Jaham Al Kuwari said “I am pleased and honoured to open the first workshop WOQOD is holding on the introduction of CNG as an alternative road transportation fuel in the State of Qatar.

The workshop will discuss various issues and exchange views with expert people of CNG as a road transportation fuel, a fuel that is considered one of the most environmentally friendly. CNG benefits include cleaner emissions compared to diesel and gasoline and helps reducing air pollution. Cleaner fuel keeps the vehicle engine clean resulting in less engine noise and maintenance costs.

Qatar is blessed with an abundance of gas making CNG a natural fuel to introduce to the market. Currently, we have one CNG station fueling 66 Mowasalat buses in the new industrial area of Doha. Mowasalat has kindly agreed to share their experience of running CNG engine buses with us today. With the support of Qatar Petroleum, an additional 7 CNG fueling stations will be commissioned by 2017. There are plans for a much wider roll out of CNG availability both through WOQOD service stations and at the home base of large fleet operators.”

The workshop was conducted internally by WOQOD with the collaboration of other parties such as the Ministry of Transport (Mowasalat), the first user of the product in the state of Qatar.

WOQOD, Natural, Gas

