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Qatar Fuel “WOQOD” organizes unannounced evacuation drill to prepare skilled employees for emergency situations
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Doha-Qatar, 8th November, 2018 - Qatar Fuel "WOQOD" conducted an unannounced fire evacuation drill at WOQOD Tower in West Bay on 8th November, 2018 to ensure employee preparedness and test the adequacy of its emergency systems.

 The drill was conducted by all WOQOD Tower tenants including WOQOD, Oryx GTL and contractors personnel. The entire drill was supervised by the WOQOD QHSSE Department and Building Management System team, it involved active participation of more than 573 employees and contractors and the entire 30 floors of WOQOD Tower.  

The fire scenario took place on 17th floor of WOQOD Tower with an employee informing the concerned departments of fire sighting. The fire alarm was activated immediately and all WOQOD and ORYX staff and contractors responded and started the evacuation process through the staircases, where they gathered in the marked assembly points on the ground level, with security staff helping them to stand in safe locations until the building was marked safe to re-enter and the emergency situation was completely under control.

The evacuation was completed in 35 minutes from the time of sounding off the alarm, till the last employee exited the tower and gathered in marked locations. WOQOD organized the mock drill to ascertain the response of all employees to major incidents, and provide individuals within the organization with an opportunity to develop their roles in emergency situations. The drill helped test the effectiveness and practice the implementation of emergency procedures in order to confirm capabilities for responding effectively to a major incident.

During the exercise, employees had the chance to develop their skills appropriate to the role they may play in an emergency, identify areas for improvement and report on the effectiveness of the exercise as well as implementation of emergency procedures.

WOQOD's management demonstrated leadership and commitment to employee welfare and safety by extending their continuous support through provision of resources and trainings that significantly contributed to a well-organized, safe and successful evacuation drill.

The exercise exhibited complete cooperation between all occupants of the tower including WOQOD's employees and management, staff of ORYX GTL and the Civil Defense for proper planning and execution of the safety program and the accurate functioning of the fire alarm and detection systems for emergency facilities installed within the tower.​


