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Qatar Fuel (WOQOD) Held its Extra- Ordinary General Assembly Meeting

4/6/2016 6:00 PM

Date : 4/6/2016 6:00 PM

Time : 4/6/2016 8:00 PM

Location : WOQOD Tower
Al Dafna, Doha

Description :

On 6 March 2016 a first attempt was made to hold WOQOD’s Extraordinary General Assembly meeting. The meeting was adjourned for lack of quorum and was decided to be held on Wednesday 6 of April 2016 at WOQOD Tower - Al-Dafnah.

On 6 April 2016 at 6.30 pm a second meeting was also postponed due to the lack of Quorum and was decided to be held at 6.30pm on 25 May at WOQOD Tower Dafnah.

The undiscussed agenda of the Extra – Ordinary meeting included the following points:

1- Amendment of Article 1/9 of WOQOD’s Articles of Association related to the abolishment of minimum shares requirement (previously prescribed at 100 shares for each single shareholder).

2- Amendment of Article 1/26 to raise the minimum number of the Board meetings to 6 meetings a year.

3- Amendment of Article 3 by adding the following activities and procedures to the existing practices undertaken by the company in furtherance of its objects as per the following:

A)           Article 3/6 : to enable utilization of Sidra Brand Name for establishment and operation of Sidra C- Stores.

B)            Article 3/7: related to the vehicle related services and activities to be exercised by the service stations.

C)           Article 3/8 :  allowing  commercial advertisement inside the service station premises.

D)           Introducing new Article 26/5 allowing the Board of Directors to pass decisions by “Circulation “procedure in cases of emergency or necessity.

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