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​​​​​​​​​​“SHAFAF” cylinders are the state of art modern high-tech LPG filling cylinders. WOQOD is the regional pioneer in adopting these cylinders for the filling and distribution of domestic gas in Qatar.

SHAFAF cylinders are made from a fiberglass and plastic composite. Each empty cylinder weighs only 5 kg, that is half the weight of regular steel cylinders; thus these cylinders are easy to carry and use.

SHAFAF cylinder is designed with high levels of safety and security in comparison to the previous generation, where these new cylinders are fire proof and do not explode, even in the case of fire. Additionally, these cylinders enable the user/consumer from monitoring the remaining gas levels so he/she can replace it promptly.

SHAFAF cylinders are available for consumers in two refill sizes, 12 kg and 6 kg, to fit the various domestic household needs, or to be used outdoors during trips and camping.




  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 12 KG With GAS
    365 QR
  • 12 KG
    350​ QR
  • 6 KG
    275​ QR
  • 6​​​ KG Wit​​​​​h GA​S
    283 QR

LPG Accessories

Low pre​​ss. Regulator
45 QR​
Medium press. Regulator
64 QR​
High press​. Regulator
Hose - 1m
10​ ​QR​



Sierra Leone Minister of Energy visits WOQOD LPG PlantSierra Leone Minister of Energy visits WOQOD LPG Planthttps://www.woqod.com/EN/MediaCenter/News/Pages/Sierra-Leone-Minister--of-Energy-visits-WOQOD-LPG-Plant.aspx<img alt="" src="/PublishingImages/Media%20Gallery/LPG%20plant%20news.jpg?RenditionID=31" width="538" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />​HE Mr. Henry Olufemi Macauley, Minister of Energy in the Republic of Sierra Leone, visited Qatar Fuel “WOQOD” LPG filling and distribution plant on Thursday 08 February 2018, accompanied by delegates from the Ministry of Energy & Industry in Qatar, headed by Eng. Ali Al Amri, and met Eng. Naja Mahdi Al-Ahbabi, Gas Operations Manager, and his crew.<br> <br>During the presentation, Eng. Naja Mahdi Al-Ahbabi has shared the WOQOD experience in LPG distribution and the introduction of Shafaf (composite) cylinders to the Qatar market.HE Mr. Henry Olufemi Macauley, Minister of Energy in the Republic of Sierra Leone, visited Qatar Fuel “WOQOD” LPG filling and distribution plant on ThYes03/05/2018 10:00:00 PM

