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  • Tenders

Tender Details


  • Tender document for the above invitation can be obtained as per following details:

    -     Document Issue Date:   From 14th November 2021 until Bid Closing Date. 

     No extension to Bid submission date due to late collection of Tender documents.
    -     Tender Fee: Interested Parties shall first deposit the appropriate Tender Fee as mentioned above (non-refundable) into Account Name – Qatar Fuel (WOQOD), Account Number 222-88171-1-030-0 with Doha Bank.  Tenderer must mention their Company's full name and specific Tender Number on the bank deposit slip.

    -     Tender Documents shall be sent from QATAR FUEL [WOQOD] Procurement & Contracts Department e-mail, upon receipt of deposit slip in proof of the required payment along with company letter and copy of Commercial Registration (CR) of the Company to eprocurement@woqod.com.qa 
  • Tenders shall be accompanied by a Tender Bond issued by one of the Qatari Banks or by a Bank operating in Qatar, in accordance with the terms of the tender documents and should be valid for 210 days from the Tender Closing Date.

  • Offer should be valid for 180 days commencing from the Tender Closing Date.

    Duly completed Tender should be delivered in sealed envelopes with the Tender Number and Bidders Company name clearly marked on the envelope, and should be deposited in Tender Committee Office, P.O. Box: 7777, Ground Floor, WOQOD Tower, West Bay, Doha, Qatar, not later than 10:00 AM on the Tender Closing Date mentioned above. [visit our website www.woqod.com.qa for more information]

Caution Notice:

We value the trust you place on WOQOD and are committed to provide all our customers with reliable, professional & innovative solutions to have a safe and fraudulent-free experience. However, in the wake of an increasing number of fake Email /s asking for fees against tender / EOI / Bid Bond, etc, we suggest you to be cautious against such fraudulent Emails & Calls. We urge the public at large to be vigilant and verify the details like Domain id, Mail content etc. 

Any tender Invitations / Emails from domains other than "woqod.com.qa" shall be considered as scamming and will be at the entire responsibility of individuals or companies and WOQOD shall not be responsible for any direct or indirect, expressed or implied, consequential, punitive damages, or any financial losses whatsoever in any manner.



Tender NO.
Tender Category
Supply of Bio-Degradable Plastic Bags on Call-Off basis for a period of 5 Years
Scope of Work
to be obtained from the tender document
$1,000.00 QAR
Tender Bond (QAR)
$85,000.00 QAR
Closing Date
Last Collection Date

